Geographical records; Marine molluscs; Terrestrial molluscs; Southern Brazil region; Species inventory
Giving continuity to the work of regional survey, again based on extensive literature review and the examination of samples obtained in the course of works done in the field,the present contribution incorporates the record of further three gastropods form toprevious systematic inventories of known marine and terrestrial molluscs of the Santa Catarina’s State/ SC, geographical central portion of southern Brazil region, to a new record of 668 marine and 223 continental species and subspecies known regionally (Agudo-Padrón 2014 a-b, 2015 a), as well as updating information about of taxonomic and zoogeographical aspects corresponding to marine and continental species previously recorded for this State and in the neighboring State of Rio Grande do Sul/ RS. During this study most another "cryptic regional work" of academic nature was also rescued (Zermiani 2014).
The taxonomic arrangement basically accompanies the proposal based on the monographic contributions of Thomé et al. (2006), for continental forms, and Garcia et al. (2008) & Rios (2009), for marine species. Additional information about the type material deposited in museums, known geographic distribution, corresponding synonyms and other aspects relative to the related species, can be obtained through the literature mentioned in the context of this contribution.
ANSP – Academy of Natural Science of Philadelphia, USA.
CMOUPF – Malacological Collection of the “Augusto Ruschi Zoobothanical Museum (MUZAR)”, Passo Fundo University - UPF, Passo Fundo/ RS.
FURB MO – Malacological Collection of “Regional University Foundation of Blumenau - FURB”, Blumenau/ SC.
MCP – Malacological Collection of “Museu de Ciências e Tecnologia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul” – PUCRS, Porto Alegre.
MCZ – Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
MZSP – Malacological Collection of the “Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo”, São Paulo/ SP.
Marine forms
The coastal plain of the State of Santa Catarina/ SC (Lindner 2014: 11), 25°57’41’’S - 29°23’55’’S, having a length of 580 km of meandering and diverse mainland and island coast (Figure 1), is located on a large "transition zone", still subject to technical discussions because of the complexity of its nuances and dynamic oceanographic, result of "convergence" between two major ocean currents: “Brazil”, hot to the North, and “Falkland or Malvinas”, cold to the South , apparently the section of the coast of Brazil between “Rio de Janeiro - RJ” and “Santa Catarina - SC” regions functions as an "ecological filter", preventing the dispersal of species, they are thermophilic - typical of the marine zoogeographical Caribbean Province - or cryophilic - typical of the Patagonian marine zoogeographical Province (Agudo-Padrón 2012, 2014 b).
Figure 1 Coastal plain of the State of Santa Catarina/ SC, Central Southern Brazil region
This condition determines in the local environment a sensitive, diverse and heterogeneous biotic faunal composition, whose characteristics are to have a high potential on the contemporary practice of marine malacoculture (Agudo-Padrón & Bleicker 2009: 5) as well as incentive for the development of accurate research on the marine biotic diversity occurring in it (Agudo-Padrón 2012). But, paradoxically, regional literature of recent production unexpectedly speculates that, by example, only about “550 species” occur on the coast of Santa Catarina State/ SC (Agudo-Padrón 2014 b: 36), fact that only reflects the profound regional collective unfamiliarity that still prevails around the subject, when earlier contributions already published outweigh said numerical estimate (Agudo-Padrón et al. 2009):
Family Pleurobranchaeidae Pilsbry, 1896
Pleurobranchaea inconspicua Bergh, 1897
Pontal da Daniela, Florianópolis/ SC – MZSP 101761 (Alvim et al. 2014: 607). Species previously reported for the neighboring State of Rio Grande do Sul/ RS (Garcia et al. 2008: 208).
Increases to 668 the number of marine mollusc species previously recorded for this State (Agudo-Padrón 2014 b).
Species referred by Pola et al. (2014: 10) from Santa Catarina State, without mention of specific locality. Previously cited as Tambja sp. (Agudo-Padrón 2014 b).
Roboastra ernsti Pola, Padula, Gosliner & Cervera, 2014
Species referred by Pola et al. (2014: 4) from Santa Catarina State, without mention of specific locality. Previously cited as Roboastra sp. (Agudo-Padrón 2014 b).
Additional informations
Family Chromodorididae Bergh, 1891
Southern coast of Brazil in Santa Catarina/ SC (DaCosta et al. 2010: 20; Agudo-Padrón & Bleicker 2011: 21; Padula et al. 2011: 806 – Arvoredo Marine Biological Reserve). Dive report for “Ilha do Xavier” (Xavier Island), Florianópolis/ SC (Instituto LARUS, 18/01/2015, Pers. comm.).
Off Santa Catarina/ SC (Cunha & Oliveira 2014: 940-Figure 1). Previous report for the State in Agudo-Padrón & Bleicker (2011: 22), specimen caught by fishing tuna boat in State waters (approx 80 cm and 18 kg), landed at the Public Fishing Terminal of Santos/ SP in October 2009. For a recognition of the species see RIOS (2009: 638).
As for the “Conservation Status”, a total of only two taxa with occurrence confirmed in the State were officially included in the new “Brazilian List of Endangered Species” (Brasil 2014; Agudo-Padrón 2015 b): Olivancillaria contortuplicata (Reeve, 1850) (GASTROPODA: OLIVIDAE Latreille, 1825), commonly used in the southern Municipal District of "Laguna" for development of crafts, and Euvola ziczac (Linnaeus, 1758) (BIVALVIA:PECTINIDAE Wilkes, 1810). This inclusions still need to be urgently revised and deeply re-evaluated.
Continental forms
For a complete descriptive of the geographical continental territory (Figure 2) see AGUDO-PADRÓN (2008, 2012, 2014 a) and, principally, AGUDO- PADRÓN et al. (2013 b: 14-31):
Figure 2 Continental territory of the State of Santa Catarina/ SC, Central Southern Brazil region
Family Megalobulimidae Leme, 1973
Megalobulimus paranaguensis (Pilsbry & Ihering, 1900) (Figure 3)
Figure 3 Megalobulimus paranaguensis (Pilsbry & Ihering, 1900) specimen of Joinville Municipal District, SC. Photo: Mozart de Souza, Joinville, SC
New geographical record: Joinville, on wasteland land located in the North sector of the city (Agudo-Padrón et al. 2014, Agudo-Padrón & Luz 2015). Previous reported for the Municipal District of “Garuva”, SC – MCP 09881 (96 ex., dried material, separate in three plastic bags = 24 & 26 adults + 46 subadult shells, young and neonates --Juliano Romanzini & Carlos Lucena, MCP Staff, 16/12/2014, Pers. comm.). For other informations see AGUDO-PADRÓN et al. (2013 a: 15-16).
Jaguaruna Municipal District, in shell mounds (archaeological sites) of “Figueirinha II” and “Jabuticabeira II”, SC – material deposited in the MZSP (Fontenelle et al. 2014).
Increases to 221 the number of continental mollusc species previously recorded for this State – 14 representatives of the genus Megalobulimus Miller, 1878 (Agudo-Padrón 2014 a).
Megalobulimus abbreviatus (Bequaert, 1848)
Jaguaruna Municipal District, in shell mound (archaeological site) of “Figueirinha I”, SC – MZSP 118304 (Fontenelle et al. 2014: 31).
Increases to 222 the number of continental mollusc species previously recorded for this State – 15 representatives of the genus Megalobulimus Miller, 1878 (Agudo-Padrón 2014 a). For a recognition of the species see SIMONE (2006: 206) and THOMÉ et al. (2006: 61).
Megalobulimus sanctipauli (Ihering & Pilsbry, 1900) (Figure 4)
Figure 4 Known distribution in the Municipal District of São José do Oeste (Map - red color), SC, of the forest giant snailMegalobulimus sanctipauli (Ihering & Pilsbry, 1900). Photo: A.I. Agudo-Padrón, Project AM, Florianópolis, SC
São José do Oeste Municipal District (“Linha Ervalzinho, Arroio Dourado”), SC (Figure 4). Material examined– “erroneously” determined as Megalobulimus haemastomus (Scopoli, 1786): CMOUPF 0348 (1 ex., dry shell), 0469 (3 ex., dry shells), 0470 (24 ex.,
dry shells), 0471 (19 ex., dry shells), 0506 (2 ex., dry shells), 0507 (1 ex., dry shells), 0508 (2 ex., dry shells). Expected occurrence for the state “in advance” for zoogeographic reasons (Beltramino 2013: 470-Table 1, 471-Figure 1; Agudo-Padrón et al. 2014: 15).
Increases to 223 the number of continental mollusc species previously recorded for this State – 16 representatives of the genus Megalobulimus Miller, 1878 (Agudo-Padrón 2014 a). For a recognition of the species see SIMONE (2006: 219).
Additional informations
Megalobulimus granulosus (Rang, 1831)
Blumenau, SC, 2 shells – MZSP 15729 (Fontenelle et al. 2014: 31). New geographical record for the State in the “Itajaí River Valley” (Agudo-Padrón 2014 a). For a recognition of the species see SIMONE (2006: 210).
ORDER BASOMMATOPHORA Keferstein in Bronn, 1864
Lymnaea (= Pseudosuccinea) columella (Say, 1817)
Santa Catarina/ SC, Data on the distributionin 17 geographic localities of the State were compiled – see MEDEIROS et al. (2014: 237-238 – Table 1, 248 – Figure 1, 3).
Bulimulus sporadicus (d’Orbigny, 1835) (Figure 5)
Figure 5 Known distribution in the Continental section of the Municipal District of Florianópolis (Map and central photo - pink color), Santa Catarina State/ SC, of the snail Bulimulus sporadicus (Pfeiffer, 1869). Photos: Jefferson Souza da Luz, Estreito/ Florianópolis, SC
Florianópolis Municipal District (“Bosque Vereador Pedro Medeiros” Urban Park, located in the continental neighborhood "Estreito" (Strait) of “Florianópolis” city) (Figure5). Previous report for the State in AGUDO-PADRÓN & LUZ (2014) and AGUDO-PADRÓN (2014 a). For a recognition of the species see SIMONE (2006: 119).
Protoglyptus (= Rhinus) dejectus (Fulton, 1907)
Santa Catarina/ SC, ANSP 97730 (1 ex., 04/II/1909) – see COLLEY (2013: 56). Previous report for the State in AGUDO-PADRÓN (2008: 159). For a recognition of the species see SIMONE (2006: 148).
Macrodontes fasciatus (Pfeiffer, 1869) (Figure 6)
Figure 6 Known distribution (maps - red color) in São Francisco do Sul (left) and Itaiópolis (right) Municipal Districts, Santa Catarina State/ SC, of the forest snail Macrodontes fasciatus (Pfeiffer, 1869). Photos: Karl Kemmelmeier, São Francisco do Sul, SC
“Vila da Glória”, São Francisco do Sul, FURB MO ? (1ex., ?/IV/2013) (Figure 6) and Itaiópolis < > Municipal Districts (Figure 2 - Maps). Previous report for the State in AGUDO-PADRÓN (2008: 163). For a recognition of the species see SIMONE (2006: 162).
Joinville Municipal District (26o18’17”S; 48o50’47”W) (Figure 7), MCZ 171899 (1ex., ?/?/1940, Morretes & M.S. Lopes, col., det.) – see COLLEY (2013: 63). Previous report for the State in AGUDO-PADRÓN (2008: 163). For a recognition of the species see SIMONE (2006: 162).
Figure 7 Known distribution (map - red color) in Joinville Municipal District, Santa Catarina State/ SC, of the forest snail Macrodontes grayanus (Pfeiffer, 1845)
Family Strophocheilidae Thiele, 1926
Mirinaba erythrossoma (Pilsbry, 1895) (Figure 8)
Figure 8 Known distribution (maps - red color) in Blumenau (left) and Itaiópolis (right) Municipal Districts, Santa Catarina State/ SC, of the forest snail Mirinaba erythrossoma (Pilsbry, 1895). Photo:Germano Woehl Junior, Itaiópolis, SC
Blumenau – see COLLEY (2013: 69) – and Itaiópolis – see AGUDO-PADRÓN et al. (2013 a: 33) – Municipal Districts (Figure 8). Previous report for the State in AGUDO-PADRÓN (2008: 162). For a recognition of the species see SIMONE (2006: 204).
Family Mycetopodidae Gray, 1840
Anodontites trapesialis (Lamarck, 1819) (Figure9)
Figure 9 Specimen of native giant freshwater mussel/ naiad Anodontites trapesialis (Lamarck, 1819), coming from the "Jaraguá do Sul” Municipal District, Santa Catarina State/ SC, and visualization of your "bead nucleus" through x-ray in the installations of the "Navegantes International Airport," Itajaí Valley region, SC. Photos:Carlos Magno de Lima e Silva, Itajaí Valley University - UNIVALI, SC
Original research on induced production of natural freshwater pearls starting from this species (Silva 2014: 44, 45, 47, 49, 50), from specimens coming from the "Itajaí Valley" region, Municipalities of Jaraguá do Sul (Agudo-Padrón 2013) (Figure 9), Indaial and Benedito Novo (Agudo-Padrón 2014 c). For a recognition of the species see SIMONE (2006: 281-282).
As for the “Conservation Status”, for the first time in the history a total of five taxa with occurrence confirmed in the State were officially included in the new “Brazilian List of Endangered Species” (Brasil 2014; Agudo-Padrón 2015 b): Pomacea sordida (Swainson, 1822) (GASTROPODA: AMPULLARIIDAE Gray, 1824), Physa (= Aplexa) marmorata Guilding, 1828 (GASTROPODA: PHYSIDAE Fitzinger, 1833), Lymnaea rupestris Paraense, 1982 (GASTROPODA: LYMNAEIDAE Rafinesque, 1815), Mycetopoda legumen (Martens, 1888) (BIVALVIA: MYCETOPODIDAE Gray, 1840) and Diplodon (Rhipidodonta) koseritzi (Clessin, 1888) (BIVALVIA: HYRIIDAE Swainson, 1840). This inclusions still need to be urgently revised and deeply re-evaluated.
Additional Continental Report
Finally, for the neighboring State of Rio Grande do Sul/ RS, southernmost region, is included a new geographical record of continental mollusc for the Municipal District of Gravataí (Figure10), in the Great Porto Alegre territory (Agudo-Padrón & Lenhard 2011):
Figure 10 Known distribution (map - red color) in “Gravataí” Municipal District, neighboring territory of the State of Rio Grande do Sul/ RS, of the native slug Belocaulus angustipes (Heynemann, 1885). Photo: Everton Moura, Morungava/ Gravataí, RS
Family Veronicellidae Gray, 1840
Gravataí, Great Porto Alegre/ RS, 23/10/2014, 1 specimen (Figure 10).
Species previously cited for the States of Rio Grande do Sul/ RS and Santa Catarina/ SC (Agudo-Padrón 2008: 152, Ohlweiler et al. 2009: 35, 41).
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Agudo-Padrón A.I. 2014 b. Thirteen new records to inventory of marine mollusc species from Santa Catarina State, Central Southern Brazil, Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences, 1: 35-37
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Agudo-Padrón A.I., and Lenhard P. 2011. Continental mollusc fauna of the Great Porto Alegre central region, RS, Southern Brazil, Biodiversity Journal, 2: 163-170
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Agudo-Padrón A.I., Veado R.V. ad-V., and Saalfeld K. 2013 b. Moluscos e Saúde Pública em Santa Catarina: subsídios para a formulação estadual de políticas preventivas sanitaristas, Espaço Científico Livre Projetos Editoriais, Duque de Caxias, RJ, 134 p
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